My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Since becoming a parent of a boy, I read almost everything I can get my hands on to try to gain additional information and suggestions about things that might make his life better. I am one of those people who believe that you can learn from others, and other's good suggestions can come in handy. No one person can know anything of course so it is always good to at least consider things others have tried or have heard about. I appreciate that this book was not faith based because sometimes those books can be a little lacking in scientific facts and practical advice. I also appreciate books that can back up their opinions with research of some kind or even just the fact ... " this worked for me " or " this worked for my friend"... I am actually open to reasonable suggestions and can find value in many different approaches.
As a woman, I did find a little offensive some of the big, huge, constant suggestionS that the boy will not have a good life it he does not have a strong male taking him under his wing. I know boys do need a male influence, but I also know men who were raised by mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc. who are wonderful and understanding men. YES they are still MEN. I am sure most of them might agree it would have been a benefit if a good male had been there, but sometimes the fact that the influence is a male does not mean the influence is a good influence on the child. Don't settle for a bad male just to have a male in the boy's life. That is sexist and is not going to lead the boy in the right direction in my opinion.
There was alot of information in this book that I did find helpful. Much of the information wasn't backed up with science or research, but then again much of the research you see can be manipulated to show whatever results researchers want it to show .... so again... common sense and suggestions based on what you have seen or heard can have merit.
This book had some good and some not so useful in my opinion. It was very readable and easy to understand. Overall I do not have a negative opinion of the book. Most books have some useful suggestions, and some will not be for everyone nor will it apply to every single situation.
I received this book free in exchange for an honest review and I am glad I read it. I can see and agree that if the child has a strong bond with a good father figure it will benefit the boy. I can see and understand that sometimes boys need to be boys (within reason & not having to always BE TOUGH, nor bully others)... Boys also need to know when to tone it down and show some respect to others. The author had some good points in places, but a person needs to consider their own particular child and circumstances when considering the information.
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BOOK Description
A revised edition of the bestselling and practical guide to the issues parents face in raising sons--including sex, violence, homework, sports, the Internet, and more--and how to best aid boys' development from birth to manhood.
Raising a happy, loving, responsible boy in today's world can be challenging. In this third edition of his international best seller, Steve Biddulph looks at the most important issues in a boy's development from birth to manhood. With gentle humor and proven wisdom backed by decades as a family psychologist and father, he shows parents how to provide the firm, loving guidance that boys need. Updates include information on mitigating the dangerous effects of online pornography, male specific hearing problems, and teen driving on boys. Biddulph also discusses:
• The three stages of boyhood, and how to help them go smoothly.
• Testosterone! How it changes behavior and what to do about it.
• How boys' brain development differs from girls'.
• How to help boys cultivate a caring attitude toward sex.
• The impact of competitive sports on boys, and how to ensure it stays positive.
• Questions to assist in finding boy-friendly schools
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