Jul 17, 2016

BOOK tour ~ RETURN TO MARKER RANCH by Claire McEwen! This is an adult contemporary romance

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Tour Grand Finale for

Return to Marker Ranch
By Claire McEwen

We hope you enjoyed coming along with us as we got to know a little about Lori's and
Wade's stories! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now...

Launch - Welcome to the Return to Marker Ranch tour!

I am so excited to launch this book into the world. It is a very emotional story straight from the heart, with some big issues and two characters with a lot of healing to do. But even though my hero and heroine go through some hard times, I feel like ultimately it’s a very uplifting book about two very strong people who learn to lean on each other, who open themselves up to love and life, and who find acceptance and happiness along the way.

Becky on Books - Interview

If you had to “sell” your book in a single Tweet, what would you say?

Tweets are hard for a wordy writer like me! Okay, how about this:

A veteran battling PTSD. A heartbroken rancher struggling to prove her worth. And a love strong enough to heal them both, if they let it.

Nicole’s Book Musings - Excerpt

Dakota’s short, choppy gait took them quickly up the hill toward the well and the irrigation valves. The flaking gray metal of the storage tank came into view. Lori veered the mare alongside it and peeked at the gauge. And felt her heart stutter. “No…” she breathed, staring at gauge. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Mythical Books - Things You Can’t Learn From Books

In my new book, Return to Marker Ranch, Wade Hoffman is home from war, back on the family ranch, trying to figure out how to raise cattle. You’d think someone raised on a ranch wouldn’t have to learn too much about how to be a rancher. But Marker Ranch wasn’t an ordinary ranch. It was hideout for criminals, a meth lab, and a storage facility for the stolen property that Wade’s father and older brothers hid there.

Brooke Blogs - Lori Allen’s Ten Tips for Surviving a New Job

Many of us feel a little lost the first time we take on a leadership role. So Lori has put together a few tips, to help us handle the ups and downs of that transition.

EskieMama Reads - Review

"Loved the book and how it took me through what both have gone through and managed to sill love one another."

Thoughts of a Blonde - Review

"In Book 2 in her Sierra Legacy series Claire McEwen takes us back to Marker Ranch to bring us Wade’s story. It was fun to see Nora & Todd again and to see Wade continue on his journey to healing from his PTSD that we saw him start in Book 1."

23 Review Street - Review

"Return To Marker Ranch is a unbelievable story that tackles topics that really get to your heart and mind, making you feel a range of emotions. I would recommend that anyone who loves a romantic, sweet story with passion should definitely read this book!"

underneath the covers - Excerpt

“What the…” She stood up in the stirrups, trying to get a sense of the size and scope of the thing. And then she jerked Dakota to a halt at the sight of barbed wire. They’d reached the rusted old fence marking the far northern boundary of her family’s ranch. The new tank was on the other side. On Marker Ranch. The Hoffmans’ land, abandoned for the past decade.

Colorimetry - Introducing Snack the Dog

When Lori Allen, the heroine of my new book, Return to Marker Ranch, was going through a rough time, I knew she needed a special dog too. A dog who would bring her out of her protective shell and teach her what she needed to know about living. So I sent her a dog named Coyote Snack. Or Snack, for short.

deal sharing aunt - Interview

What would you like my readers to know?

My books are published by Harlequin, and sometimes I think people don’t want to give Harlequin books a chance because they assume the books will be old fashioned, or like what your grandmother read. Honestly, before I got to know Harlequin better, I felt that way! But trust me, this is not your grandmother’s Harlequin! I feel like the series I write for, Superromance, is incredibly modern. They let me take on all kinds of issues in my stories that other publishers might shy away from. I absolutely love how the editors encourage creativity and powerful writing in our books. I try to read many of the Superromance books written by other authors and I always love them, and find them far more interesting than many of the other romance novels out there. If you’d like to learn more, we have a blog at www.superauthors.com and we’d love it if you stopped by!

Wishful Endings - East of the Sierra

My new book, Return to Marker Ranch, takes place in my fictional town of Benson, California, nestled against the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada. People often ask me why I set my books out there. And the only answer I can give is “Because I love it.”

Harlie's Books - Review

"This series is fast becoming another one of my favorites. I have to admit that I live in Texas and so cowboys, etc. just aren’t that exciting for me anymore. I know, yall can kill me later but there is something about Ms. McEwen’s heroes and heroines that I can’t get enough of. She writes them with emotional depth and while, their ranches are important, each one of them is dealing with bigger issues than just ranching or horses."

Beck Valley Books - Horses and Veterans

One of my favorite parts of writing Return to Marker Ranch was researching the way that animals can help heal people. Specifically people suffering from PTSD. My hero, Wade Hoffman, has PTSD from his tours in Afghanistan. If you read the first book in this series (and you don’t have to, each book stands alone) you’ll be very familiar with Wade’s troubles!

And don't forget to enter the giveaway...

Return to Marker Ranch (Sierra Legacy)Return to Marker Ranch
(Sierra Legacy #2)

by Claire McEwen
Adult Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
July 1st 2016 by Harlequin Superromance

This is one reunion both of them could do without

This is the chance she's been waiting for to prove she can run her family's ranch. And despite her many doubters, Lori Allen knows she's doing a good job. Until the man who once broke her heart—Wade Hoffman—runs her well dry! And it turns out he's got as much to prove as she does. After serving his country, Wade's back to rebuild his family's reputation and win his battle with PTSD.

With so much to lose, neither can afford to give in to temptation. But to succeed they must let go of old heartache and face up to bringing out each other's worst, along with the best. And what doesn't kill them…

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

The First Book in the Series

Wild HorsesWild Horses
(Sierra Legacy #1)

by Claire McEwen
Adult Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
March 1st 2016 by Harlequin Superromance

This wild stallion can't be tamed 

Todd Williams is still the naive idealist he was in college. Only now he's endangering lives—Nora Hoffman's to be exact. Nora hasn't seen Todd since he decided that saving the rain forest was more important than their relationship. Until the night she's nearly crushed by the stampede he causes. Now Todd is determined to make amends, for everything. 

She may not agree with his methods, but even Nora can't deny the importance of his fight to save the wild horses. With the attraction between them still sizzling and the fate of the horses in the balance, Nora must decide just how much she's willing to risk.

Claire McEwen lives by the ocean in Northern California with her family and a scruffy, mischievous terrier. When not dreaming up new stories, she can be found digging in her garden with a lot of enthusiasm but, unfortunately, no green thumb. 

Claire enjoys discovering flea-market treasures, walking on the beach, dancing, traveling, and reading, of course! She loves to write complex heroes and heroines, who grow and find themselves through their search for love.

Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card

1 copy of the first book in the series, Wild Horses (print if US, ebook if outside the US)
Open internationally

Ends July 22nd

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