Feb 24, 2017

The Pants Project

The Pants Project  
The Pants Project.  By:  Cat Clark.      ****

I enjoyed reading this book.  All of the characters were well developed and readers have a sense of who each character, and their expected behavior, is.  The books portrayal of children in this age
range seemed very realistic.  We, as adults, know that school children can be cruel, cliquish, and that peer pressure is a very strong influence on behavior.  At first I thought the inclusion of 2 mothers in addition to the main character being transgender was a bit risky, but it worked out well for the story.  The book is strongly family oriented with a strong, loving family bond.

The story is about a transgender student, who identifies as a boy, starting Middle School and facing a strict , outdated, gender based dress code.  Liv very bravely stands up for his rights and brings awareness to the inequality and sexist school dress code that requires girls to wear skirts.  Liv's best friend of 6 years turns on her (due to peer pressure) and becomes friends with 2 of the popular students, Jade and Chelsie.  These 2 girls are nothing short of bullies.  Liv is saddened by this betrayal but he moves on and develops  better and stronger friendships with another group of students.

I was pleased to see this book in the Middle School age group.  I feel that children SHOULD read about LGBT topics at an age where they are beginning to form their own self identities.  They are old enough to be aware of differences in other peoples identities and hopefully still young enough to incorporate understanding and acceptance.

Liv’s EX friend, Maisie, is eventually cast out by the mean girl group.  I was proud that Liv was able to be true to himself and let his old friend remain in the past.  This is important because it helps children learn that it’s NOT ok for friends to treat you badly.  It’s ok to let friends go if they’re not a true friend.

This is a story about self-acceptance, self-esteem and not being ashamed of who you are.  It also encourages acceptance of others.
I totally agree with the recommended ages of 9 and up.  This book should be included in all school libraries.

I received the book free in exchange for an honest review.  This does not effect my rating nor review.
My review will be posted on amazon (once released), good reads, netgalley
Terri/Aunt Meanie


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this book too & was right in with Liv standing up against the dress code. Who wants to be forced to wear a dress??? That horrid idea is just outdated. I held an office job when I was 21 that required I wear a dress daily and I so wanted to rebel, but I had to have the job.

    While I also agree that the age group suggested would benefit from reading the book, I am afraid the book is a bit nieve in possibly encouraging an 11 year old transgender child to pop out if the closet. In too many real life situations any child (or teen) coming out is going to be met with too much bullying to ever recover from, and even risk physical harm.

    As an adult, I enjoyed the book. I would encourage my child (any child) to read the book, and hopefully be encouraged to accept anyone in Liv's situation as a person deserving the respect as anyone else. I would not encourage any 11 year old to come out at that age for safety reasons. That's just my opinion and it is largely based on how prejudice the community I live in is.

    Awesome book. I hope the book is a positive read for young people ... Encouraging them to accept other's differences and to be less judgmental.


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