Feb 6, 2013

Guest Post from Alicia Stone Author of Talisman of El

The Talisman Of El has recently been featured here on Moon Shine Art Spot and, today we are lucky enough to have a few words from the author Ms. Alicia Stone.  I asked Ms. Stone what gave here the idea for the book and her response follows.  I don’t know about you, but I sometimes wonder about how the writer comes up with a story in the first place.  Below was her response:

The Inspiration behind Talisman Of El

By: Alecia Stone

The inspiration behind Talisman Of El
has been the topic of much discussion lately,
and I’ll try not to repeat myself too much, but honestly, the main
inspiration just came from the urge to write something
I wanted to read. I guess I just had a story
I wanted to tell. In a sense, I suppose you
 can say I wanted to satisfy my own appetite. I grew up
watching many fantasy and sci-fi movies and reading
a lot of books featuring mythology so my
imagination has always been somewhat
out of this world. It’s hard
to pinpoint one source because there have been so many.

Whether it’s real life events or fictional events,
everything I have experienced in this lifetime has inspired
Talisman Of El in one way or another.
The book features many different ideologies which
I think allows many people to relate to the story
and the characters. Honestly, I think the world and its
inhabitants are what inspired this book. Also, the recent young
adult books I have read usually features a female protagonist
and I felt as though the male audience were being pushed
aside slightly and I thought they could do with a little
bit of adventure with Charlie and his gang.
So there you have it. I think I owe a big
 ‘Thank You’ to the world
and its unsolved mysteries. So, thank you.

Author Bio:

Alecia Stone has been in love with anything and everything paranormal for many years. She grad­u­ated with a BA in Film & TV and has worked in tele­vi­sion for a short period of time before branch­ing out into storytelling. When she isn't writ­ing, she enjoys going to the movies, lis­ten­ing to music, and travelling. Talisman Of El is her first novel. She currently lives in England, UK.

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Alecia_Stone          


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